RECORDING AVAILABLE NOW: Saturday’s FHHS Graduation Ceremony Live Stream (1 hour, 48 minutes)
Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.
Video Capture and Writing by Jeff Noedel
Jeremy Tyler, Live stream Director
Viewers from five continents and across San Juan Island watched in real-time as 66 brilliant young souls graduated in the 112th Commencement of Friday Harbor High School. The video live stream was a presentation of CNL2 TV, with assistance from FHHS principal Andrea Hillman, Facilities Manager Greg Truesdale, and Ray Adams, IT Tech.

Demand was so strong for the graduation live stream that we used up almost 170 gigabytes (GB) of our bank of prepaid bandwidth to deliver the live stream all over the world (we maintain a bank of approximately six terabytes – 6,000 GB – for live video streaming).
Loved ones from at least eight nations (U.S., Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, U.K., Ireland, China, and Australia and five unidentified origins) dialed in to witness the speeches, the awarding of a staggering total of $500,000 in scholarships, and the conferring of degrees in real-time.
Principal Hillman facilitated some or all of the Central American and South American viewership with an email notice of the video live stream sent to students and families several days before graduation day, written in Spanish.
All told, loved ones from around the nation and around the world watched a total of nearly 128 streaming hours in 506 plays. The vast majority of viewer sessions, 462, were serving computers, tablets, and phones in the U.S., and many of them were local to San Juan Island — proving live television has a key role to play in the lives of San Juan County residents.

From around the world, they were right there, through the magic of global internet television.
CNL2 loses money every day, but the losses are slowly shrinking as more and more viewer/listener/readers ante up with CNL2 annual and lifetime subscriptions. So we cannot afford to fund a scholarship yet, but we will as soon as possible. This year, our gift will just be the labor and equipment involved in the live stream, and 170 GB of bandwidth we used.
Now the recording is being moved to a separate server for our video-on-demand (VOD). And it will stay here for a long time. Feel free to share this page with friends and family. Again, CNL2 and our subscribers will happily pay for the streaming of the VOD.
This CNL2 video is 1 hour and 48 minutes in duration.