SJI School District spending and student enrollment on budget

Tuesday, December 24, 2024
For a meeting held Tuesday, December 17, 2024


At the annual organizational meeting, Barbara Bevins was elected to continue as board President; Brian Moore was elected to continue as Vice President; and Melanie Hess was elected as the WIAA Representative for 2025.

Fred Woods reported that he observed the Stuart Island school classroom via ZOOM.  Everything was in order. He and board members attended the advocacy meeting on Orcas.

Fred Woods reported on the student body as their representatives were out sick. The Key Club collected more than 600 pounds for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Ten students volunteered for community service and assisted with tree lighting and the chamber holiday dinner. Basketball, wrestling and cheer are underway for the season and are going well. The Eco Club went on a few field trips with Mr. Garson where they did environmental research on the island.

Student enrollment across the district and spending is on budget.

The board updated several board policies on sexual harassment and discrimination regarding students and staff in line with language recommended by the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA). They reviewed for later adoption a WSSDA-recommended policy on Physical Education and Health classes.

Director Heller reported on a December 6 meeting of board members, superintendents, school staff, and union representatives from Lopez, Shaw, Orcas, and San Juan Island school districts to discuss legislative priorities. They will send out information to local media, their communities and legislators in January and schedule town halls later in the month.  They will ask people to contact their local legislators and support action on school issues.  Finally, they plan face-to-face events in Olympia with legislators.  Other districts across the state will be doing the same. Directors Heller and Kurtz, and Superintendent Woods will attend WSSDA’s legislative conference on January 11-12.

To read more about the San Juan Island School District, click here.

To read more about the Washington State School Directors’ Association, click here.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization, encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.

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