FH High School Eco Club members advocate for environment in Olympia Monday
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FH High School Eco Club members advocate for environment in Olympia Monday

Tuesday, March 25, 2025Photos and observations by Jess Newley It was a long day for Friday Harbor High School students — members of the Eco Club. With two advisors leading the way, the delegation of students traveled to Olympia to tour the state capitol and talk face-to-face with legislators. The subjects of the day: ecology…

San Juan County’s four public school superintendents team-up to ask for a correction in state funding formula

San Juan County’s four public school superintendents team-up to ask for a correction in state funding formula

Sunday, February 16, 2025by Jeff NoedelVideo by Jeremy Tyler A SanJuans.Today VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE All four public school superintendents in the San Juans drove to Olympia last week for two days of lobbying legislators for a fix to the public schools funding formula. On Thursday, the four superintendents sat down…

SWIMMING SUCCESS!   million Lopez pool complex meant to instill a culture of swimmers –  million still needed
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SWIMMING SUCCESS! $10 million Lopez pool complex meant to instill a culture of swimmers – $2 million still needed

Saturday, January 25, 2025By Jeff Noedel A SanJuans.Today VIDEO IS BELOW Several years ago, only 8 percent of Lopez Island Elementary school students passed a basic Red Cross swimming test. “We want every child to graduate knowing how to swim,” said Lopez Island’s Anne Marie MacPherson. “This (new pool) is really fulfilling that public safety…

In tight budget year, pressure builds to boost WA school funding
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In tight budget year, pressure builds to boost WA school funding

There are growing concerns that the state is shortchanging special education, while at the same time districts face rising costs for daily operations and supplies. Friday, January 24, 2025FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE STANDARDby Jerry Cornfield Lawmakers have begun another hard conversation on what it may cost the state to amply fund basic education in public…

VIDEO REPORT: Lower majority to 55% (from current 60%) to pass school bond votes?
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VIDEO REPORT: Lower majority to 55% (from current 60%) to pass school bond votes?

Friday, January 17, 2025Reported by Albert JamesCover photo credit: TVW Following is a production of the Washington State University (WSU) Olympia News Bureau, run by the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication News Fellowship Program. This is a report by WSU Murrow Fellowship video journalist Albert James

Top education official says Washington risks another lawsuit if school funding isn’t hiked

Top education official says Washington risks another lawsuit if school funding isn’t hiked

Friday, January 17, 2025FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE STANDARDby Jerry Cornfield The state boosted spending to comply with a ruling in the landmark McCleary case, but the public schools chief says it hasn’t kept up. WASHINGTON STATE STANDARD, Olympia–Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal warned Thursday that Washington is not living up to its constitutional obligation…

SJI School District spending and student enrollment on budget

SJI School District spending and student enrollment on budget

Tuesday, December 24, 2024For a meeting held Tuesday, December 17, 2024 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY PREPARED BY THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF THE SAN JUANS’ OBSERVER CORPS At the annual organizational meeting, Barbara Bevins was elected to continue as board President; Brian Moore was elected to continue as Vice President; and Melanie Hess was…

SJI School District receives 0,000 grant toward new electric school bus

SJI School District receives $190,000 grant toward new electric school bus

Wednesday, December 4, 2024for a meeting held Tuesday, November 26, 2024 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY PREPARED BY THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF THE SAN JUANS’ OBSERVER CORPS The meeting opened with the Treblemakers Elementary School Choir leading the audience in the pledge of Allegiance and singing three songs to honor veterans and bring in…

SJI’s 18-year-old Becca Bryan Published in Seattle Times Today

SJI’s 18-year-old Becca Bryan Published in Seattle Times Today

If you read The Seattle Times, click here to read a 330-word essay written by Rebecca Anne “Becca” Bryan, 18, of San Juan Island. In a guest article The Times titled “2024 grad thrived, grew to know herself during pandemic,” Becca explained that she thrived during the period of Covid isolation. She writes of the…

RECORDING AVAILABLE NOW: Saturday’s FHHS Graduation Ceremony Live Stream (1 hour, 48 minutes)
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RECORDING AVAILABLE NOW: Saturday’s FHHS Graduation Ceremony Live Stream (1 hour, 48 minutes)

A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.Video Capture and Writing by Jeff NoedelJeremy Tyler, Live stream Director Viewers from five continents and across San Juan Island watched in real-time as 66 brilliant young souls graduated in the 112th Commencement of Friday Harbor High School. The…

Friday Harbor High School Seniors Paint the Wall

Friday Harbor High School Seniors Paint the Wall

A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Friday, June 7, 2024Video capture by Jeff NoedelVideo editing by Jeremy Tyler It’s one of the last acts in a Friday Harbor High School student career: dipping a paintbrush in gold paint and affixing your name, with flourish, on a blank purple-washed concrete retaining wall….

CNL2 to Live Video Stream Friday Harbor High School Graduation Ceremony

CNL2 to Live Video Stream Friday Harbor High School Graduation Ceremony

On Saturday, CNL2 will live video stream the Class of ’24 graduation ceremony from the gymnasium on the Friday Harbor High School campus. This will be a one-camera shoot, nothing fancy. But for friends and family who cannot be present, the live video stream will put them in the gymnasium virtually. There will be no…