Auditor Seeks Writers For & Against SJC Public Hospital District No. 3 (Orcas) Ballot Measure

Auditor Seeks Writers For & Against SJC Public Hospital District No. 3 (Orcas) Ballot Measure

Thursday, February 27, 2025 FOLLOWING IS A STATEMENT BY SAN JUAN COUNTY GOVERNMENT San Juan County Auditor, Natasha Warmenhoven, is seeking people interested in writing arguments for and against the San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 3 (Orcas) ballot measure for the voters’ guide. To ensure an informed electorate, and in accordance with state law,…

VIDEO REPORT: Lower majority to 55% (from current 60%) to pass school bond votes?
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VIDEO REPORT: Lower majority to 55% (from current 60%) to pass school bond votes?

Friday, January 17, 2025Reported by Albert JamesCover photo credit: TVW Following is a production of the Washington State University (WSU) Olympia News Bureau, run by the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication News Fellowship Program. This is a report by WSU Murrow Fellowship video journalist Albert James

,602 new donations X2 = ,718!  ,141 remains for matching
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$1,602 new donations X2 = $3,718! $8,141 remains for matching

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Community internet television and radio for the San Juans gained some strength in the past two days, as $1,602 more in donations have now arrived. That brings the recent total to $1,859. And the Mary See Foundation match has instantly turned that into $3,718! The Mary See Foundation leaders took a…

Candidates and campaign activists express faith in local election integrity
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Candidates and campaign activists express faith in local election integrity

SanJuans.Today reached out to all four candidates for County Council representatives, as well as leaders in the campaigns for and against the Conservation Land Bank REET reauthorization, and the Fire District #3 levy lid lift. We asked these leaders the following question: How would you personally describe your degree of confidence in the integrity of…

DISTRICT COURT: Political yard signs may only be legally removed with owner’s consent – one local resident criminally charged
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DISTRICT COURT: Political yard signs may only be legally removed with owner’s consent – one local resident criminally charged

Friday, October 18, 2024by Jeff Noedel PUBLISHED IN SANJANS.TODAY & THE JOURNAL OF THE SAN JUAN ISLANDS Many political yard signs are placed on publicly owned land and rights-of-way in San Juan County. While a relative few citizens continue to display yard signs on their personal property long after an election, the great majority of…

THE INTERVIEW MENTIONED BY SEATTLE TIMES:  Dr. Raul Garcia is running for U.S. Senate (some of the interview spoken in Espanol)

THE INTERVIEW MENTIONED BY SEATTLE TIMES: Dr. Raul Garcia is running for U.S. Senate (some of the interview spoken in Espanol)

A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Friday, August 9, 2024 Whether you ever vote for him or not, you might enjoy watching our interview of Dr. Raul Garcia. He stopped by CNL2 today for an interview; he and his lovely wife Jessica were on their way to check-in at Roche Harbor…

San Juan Island Library Offers Wide Range of Summer Programs, Levy Lid Lift Briefly Discussed

San Juan Island Library Offers Wide Range of Summer Programs, Levy Lid Lift Briefly Discussed

A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Tuesday, July 2, 2024Directed by Dave SchnuckelAudio Engineering by Jeremy TylerSummary by Jeff Noedel Heather Spaulding, Editor of the Journal of the San Juans, interviewed staff leadership of the San Juan Island Library: Laurie Orton, Director and Anthony Morris, Assistant Director. The conversation began on…

Justin Paulsen Unveils Campaign Platform

Justin Paulsen Unveils Campaign Platform

Friday, June 21, 2024 at 5:20 Jeff NoedelVideo directed by: Jeremy Tyler A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Justin Paulsen, one of three candidates for the San Juan County Council from Residency District 2 (Orcas Island) explained major elements of his platform, which is divided into three major sections: This…

OPINION: What Minnie Knych is Looking for in County Council Candidates

OPINION: What Minnie Knych is Looking for in County Council Candidates

The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of CNL2. All submissions deemed by CNL2 to be constructive and credible will be published. Wednesday, June 5, 2024 By Minnie Knych It has been interesting to see the candidates for our non-partisan county council. I look forward to hearing more about their platforms.  Here’s what I’m…

Rick Hughes Discusses Ferry Solutions, County-Town Lawsuit, ‘Food Sovereignty’ for Children

Rick Hughes Discusses Ferry Solutions, County-Town Lawsuit, ‘Food Sovereignty’ for Children

CNL2 VIDEO AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. San Juan County Council residency district 2 candidate Rick Hughes shares actions he advocates for the County to take related to transportation (beginning to 50:15 minutes); the County lawsuit against the Town of Friday Harbor over the County’s water usage at the Fairgrounds (until 58:20); and food…

‘Millennial’ Adrian Kilpatrick Brings Voice of Younger Generations to County Council Race

‘Millennial’ Adrian Kilpatrick Brings Voice of Younger Generations to County Council Race

A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Adrian Kilpatrick is 39, but he looks and thinks like many 29-year-olds. In CNL2’s hour-long interview yesterday, Kilpatrick’s passion for the environment was never far away. And when the subject comes to affordable housing, his hands wave in large circular motions, suggesting affordable housing is…

AIRED LIVE TUESDAY:  Kari McVeigh Hopes to Bring Her Leadership Experience to County Council

AIRED LIVE TUESDAY: Kari McVeigh Hopes to Bring Her Leadership Experience to County Council

A CNL2 VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Kari McVeigh, a San Juan Island resident, currently serves as Superintendent of the tiny Shaw School District. In total, she has 48 years of experience in education, most of them in administration. She gives the Friday Harbor Schools an “A-” grade. Other subjects discussed include:…

UPDATE: Third Candidate for County Council District 1 Filed: Adrian Kilpatrick

UPDATE: Third Candidate for County Council District 1 Filed: Adrian Kilpatrick

Adrian Kilpatrick filed as a candidate for San Juan County Council late last week. He is a resident of Residency District 1. CNL2 has reached out to the newest candidate to offer an interview. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: San Juan County Council Candidate Filing Ends Friday at 5:00 p.m.May 6, 2024 TO VIEW CNL2 VIDEO INTERVIEWS OF…