
THE INTERVIEW MENTIONED BY SEATTLE TIMES: Dr. Raul Garcia is running for U.S. Senate (some of the interview spoken in Espanol)


Friday, August 9, 2024

Whether you ever vote for him or not, you might enjoy watching our interview of Dr. Raul Garcia. He stopped by CNL2 today for an interview; he and his lovely wife Jessica were on their way to check-in at Roche Harbor for a big event tonight.

Dr. Garcia happens to be a Republican. He happens to be the Republican nominee to run against popular incumbent U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell in the general election on November 5.

There was something refreshing about Dr. Garcia’s tone and his humility today.

  • He says he wants to unify.
  • He says he doesn’t want to serve in the Senate a real long time, and he supports term limits.
  • He says there is no proof that the 2020 election was stolen, so it wasn’t and Joseph R. Biden was elected president.
  • He says he will not be endorsing the GOP standard bearer Donald J. Trump, or anyone else. He feels that would be divisive.
  • He is pro DREAMer (DACA).
  • His experience as an ER doctor has heavily influenced his beliefs about how to combat the fentanyl crisis.

He spoke in Spanish for parts of the interview. He told of how badly, as a boy in Cuba, he wanted to be an American.

Regardless of how one votes, many will find this to be an interesting interview.

This CNL2 video is approximately 31-1/2 minutes in duration.


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