FH High School Eco Club members advocate for environment in Olympia Monday
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FH High School Eco Club members advocate for environment in Olympia Monday

Tuesday, March 25, 2025Photos and observations by Jess Newley It was a long day for Friday Harbor High School students — members of the Eco Club. With two advisors leading the way, the delegation of students traveled to Olympia to tour the state capitol and talk face-to-face with legislators. The subjects of the day: ecology…

Proposed ‘Mosquito Fleet Act’ to face its highest hurdle Monday
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Proposed ‘Mosquito Fleet Act’ to face its highest hurdle Monday

Sunday, March 16, 2025by Jeff Noedel If it passes, the “Mosquito Fleet Act,” which began as House Bill 1923 in Olympia, would be the legislation that could increase the odds of someday enjoying locally-run passenger ferry service direct to Bellingham from the San Juans…and many other novel walk-on ferry routes across the Salish Sea and…

TVW VIDEO: Friday’s State House bipartisan passage of ESHB 1923, “Mosquito Fleet Act”

TVW VIDEO: Friday’s State House bipartisan passage of ESHB 1923, “Mosquito Fleet Act”

Sunday, March 9, 2025by Jeff Noedel A TVW VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE On Friday, the Washington State House of Representatives passed Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1923 with bipartisan support. The Mosquito Fleet Act — authored by State Rep. Greg Nance (D-Bainbridge Island) is meant to help spawn new passenger-only ferry…

Gov. Ferguson to visit San Juans in July to talk about WSF with citizens

Gov. Ferguson to visit San Juans in July to talk about WSF with citizens

Sunday, March 9, 2025by Jeff Noedel In a Thursday news conference in Seattle, Washington Governor Bob Ferguson announced he intends to visit the San Juans on July 15 to talk with citizens about Washington State Ferries. He said, “We’re tentatively scheduled to have me up in the San Juan Islands I think on July 15….

BREAKING:  Mosquito Fleet Act passes State House of Representatives resoundingly

BREAKING: Mosquito Fleet Act passes State House of Representatives resoundingly

Friday, March 7, 2025 at 3:10 p.m.UPDATED: March 7 at 4:00 p.m.by Jeff Noedel This afternoon, the full Washington State House of Representatives passed “ESHB 1923,” the Mosquito Fleet Act. The bill was authored by State Rep. Greg Nance (D-23, Bainbridge Island). Nance has become a vocal ally of all ferry-served communities in recent months….

Gov. Ferguson postpones hybridization of 2 largest WSF vessels – orders restoration of all routes except Sidney

Gov. Ferguson postpones hybridization of 2 largest WSF vessels – orders restoration of all routes except Sidney

Thursday, March 6, 2025by Jeff Noedelwith video from TVW Today at Washington State Ferries’ Colman dock in Seattle, Washington Gov. Bob Ferguson announced his decision to restore all WSF routes — but one — to 2019 pre-pandemic levels. To accomplish that, he announced another decision to postpone the electrification of two Jumbo Mark II vessels….

VIDEO: Gov. Ferguson announces state deficit is  billion, far more than thought – recommending  billion in budget cuts
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VIDEO: Gov. Ferguson announces state deficit is $15 billion, far more than thought – recommending $7 billion in budget cuts

Friday, February 28, 2025Reported by Albert JamesCover photo credit: TVW Following is a production of the Washington State University (WSU) Olympia News Bureau, run by the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication News Fellowship Program. This is a report by WSU Murrow Fellowship video journalist Albert James.

BREAKING NEWS:  “Mosquito Fleet Act” passed House Committee with bipartisan support (updated)

BREAKING NEWS: “Mosquito Fleet Act” passed House Committee with bipartisan support (updated)

ORIGINAL: Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 4:15 p.m.UPDATED: 5:25 p.m.by Jeff Noedel The “Mosquito Fleet Act” (HB 1923) has passed the Washington State House Transportation Committee by a wide margin, 20 yeas and 7 nays. All Democrats on the committee — including 40th District Rep Alex Ramel (D-Bellingham) — voted for the bill, as well…

High-ranking Washington Republican talks about his Dad: Friday Harbor’s David Corry

High-ranking Washington Republican talks about his Dad: Friday Harbor’s David Corry

Saturday, February 22, 2025by Jeff Noedel On Friday, SanJuans.Today visited the Olympia office of State Rep Chris Corry (R-15, Yakima). But Corry’s office is not in the John L. O’Brien House Office Building with most of his colleagues. Corry works from an opulent office on the third floor of the Capitol building, with high ceilings…

WA STATE STANDARD:  New walk-on ferry routes across Puget Sound readied to sail if funded (mentions of San Juan County)

WA STATE STANDARD: New walk-on ferry routes across Puget Sound readied to sail if funded (mentions of San Juan County)

The possibility of a modern-day Mosquito Fleet is under discussion in the Washington Legislature, but it’s unclear if there’ll be the cash to launch. Saturday, February 22, 2025FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE STANDARDby Tom Banse People who live on Puget Sound islands painted an enticing vision for the Washington Legislature this week of a modern-day Mosquito…

LIVE VIDEO AT 4:00 p.m.: WA House Transportation Committee considers ‘Mosquito Fleet Act’

LIVE VIDEO AT 4:00 p.m.: WA House Transportation Committee considers ‘Mosquito Fleet Act’

HB 1923 could lead to a process that could create a higher-speed ‘foot ferry’ to Bellingham and other game changers for the San Juans Wednesday, February 19, 2025by Jeff Noedel Twelve days ago, State Rep. Greg Nance (D-23rd) of Bainbridge Island filed a new bill in the House of Representatives: HB 1923, the “Mosquito Fleet Act.” It was assigned…

ONE DAY LEFT: Community Water Taxi urges citizens to email or phone legislators in support of HB 1923

ONE DAY LEFT: Community Water Taxi urges citizens to email or phone legislators in support of HB 1923

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 FOLLOWING IS A STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY WATER TAXI We continue to shape and support legislation to help our local ferry crisis. We are asking for your support for HB1923, “The Mosquito Fleet Act”, which will provide funding for passenger transportation initiatives in San Juan County and beyond. If passed, this bill…

San Juan County’s four public school superintendents team-up to ask for a correction in state funding formula

San Juan County’s four public school superintendents team-up to ask for a correction in state funding formula

Sunday, February 16, 2025by Jeff NoedelVideo by Jeremy Tyler A SanJuans.Today VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE All four public school superintendents in the San Juans drove to Olympia last week for two days of lobbying legislators for a fix to the public schools funding formula. On Thursday, the four superintendents sat down…

IMPORTANT VIDEO:  State Rep Greg Nance explains HB 1923, the ‘Mosquito Fleet Act’ – Committee hearing is Wednesday
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IMPORTANT VIDEO: State Rep Greg Nance explains HB 1923, the ‘Mosquito Fleet Act’ – Committee hearing is Wednesday

If enacted, the new law could lead to improved life for San Juans’ inter-island travelers and citizens of other seaside towns by creating more freedom of movement IMAGINE: A trip to see a doctor in Bellingham. Using a foot ferry and a ground shuttle could turn a 4-hour one-way trip to Peace Health Medical Center…

Orcas Island’s Pea Patch Campus advocates tell their stories to state legislators

Orcas Island’s Pea Patch Campus advocates tell their stories to state legislators

Friday, February 14, 2025 FROM OLYMPIAby Jeff NoedelVideo by Jeremy Tyler “When we all help each other, we all rise together.” That’s the message Orcas Island resident Alex Callen shared with state legislators in Olympia Wednesday. Callen told state legislators his apartment is “real small… but it’s been a real game-changer for me… My health…