9th annual Streets Department spring cleaning scooped-up 23 tons of junk in Friday Harbor

9th annual Streets Department spring cleaning scooped-up 23 tons of junk in Friday Harbor

Friday, March 14, 2025 FOLLOWING IS A STATEMENT BY THE TOWN OF FRIDAY HARBOR The Town of Friday Harbor helped its customers jump-start their spring cleaning with free pickup of oversized refuse the week of March 10-14.  This is the ninth year the Town has offered the Spring Cleanup service to its residential refuse customers….

AUDIO INTERVIEW:  Local 1909 leaders detail their differences with the Town of Friday Harbor

AUDIO INTERVIEW: Local 1909 leaders detail their differences with the Town of Friday Harbor

Thursday, March 6, 2025by Jeff Noedelaudio by Jeremy Tyler A 45-MINUTE PODCAST AND TRANSCRIPT ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE Late Wednesday afternoon, SanJuans.Today interviewed Chuck Berry, President of Local 1909 of the Guild of the Pacific Northwest, and Steve Fraga, Staff Representative of Local 1909. Local 1909 has been negotiating for months with…

Mayor Ray Jackson addresses statements made in recent Local 1909 news release

Mayor Ray Jackson addresses statements made in recent Local 1909 news release

Thursday, February 27, 2025by Jeff NoedelVideo by Jeremy Tyler A SanJuans.Today VIDEO IS BELOW This morning, Friday Harbor Mayor Ray Jackson spoke with SanJuans.Today about the ongoing attempts to reach agreement with the Town’s waged employees represented by Local 1909. The negotiation process has stalled locally because the union filed a charge of an unfair…

Local 1909 union accuses Town of Friday Harbor of unfair labor practices – Town responds (updated)

Local 1909 union accuses Town of Friday Harbor of unfair labor practices – Town responds (updated)

ORIGINAL: Friday, February 14, 2025 @4:01 p.m.UPDATED: Saturday, February 15, 2025 @9:28 a.m. (quote from Denice Kulseth added)by Jeff Noedel In a press statement today, Guild of the Pacific Northwest Local 1909 leaders accused the Town of Friday Harbor of bad faith bargaining. The union claims that Town Administrator Denice Kulseth “has employed a strategy…

Fair pay?  Here’s what the Town of Friday Harbor pays its unionized employees now

Fair pay? Here’s what the Town of Friday Harbor pays its unionized employees now

Wednesday, February 5, 2025by Jeff Noedel Two Thursdays ago, attorney Nicholas Power, who works for Bellingham-based Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees (PNWE) Local 1909, took to the podium at the Friday Harbor Town Council to implore Town leadership to do everything in their power to prevent the Town’s 29 union-represented employees from becoming “the working poor in a…

Union lawyer and iron-worker use their 3 minutes in ‘public comments’ to advocate for better contract for Town workers

Union lawyer and iron-worker use their 3 minutes in ‘public comments’ to advocate for better contract for Town workers

Friday, January 24, 2025by Jeff Noedel Citing his First Amendment right, Nicholas Power, attorney for Bellingham-based Guild of Pacific Northwest Employees (PNWE) Local 1909, walked up to the podium facing the Friday Harbor Town Council last Thursday. With four rows of Town employees in their day-glow orange work clothes sitting behind him, he said, “It…

Town of Friday Harbor touts 2024 achievements

Town of Friday Harbor touts 2024 achievements

Friday, January 24, 2025 FOLLOWING IS A STATEMENT BY THE TOWN OF FRIDAY HARBOR At the January 16, 2025, Town Council meeting, Mayor Raymont Jackson highlighted the Town’s 2024 achievements, significant projects, and programs serving the Friday Harbor community. “I’m proud of the Town’s community partnerships, initiatives, and other positive achievements over the past year…

WHEN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CLASH:  2,000 in legal fees paid by Town and a nonprofit
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WHEN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CLASH: $102,000 in legal fees paid by Town and a nonprofit

Saturday, January 18, 2025by Jeff Noedel SanJuans.Today wondered how much money was spent on lawyers involving two disputes between local governments and one affordable housing nonprofit. So we asked. In the Superior Court case styled SAN JUAN COUNTY v. TOWN OF FRIDAY HARBOR AND THE TOWN COUNCIL, on May 21, 2024, the County sued the…

ON THE HORIZON: Filing deadline for Mayor and two Town Council members less than 5 months away

ON THE HORIZON: Filing deadline for Mayor and two Town Council members less than 5 months away

Filing runs from May 5 to May 9 Friday, January 17, 2025by Jeff Noedel Elections will be held on November 4 for Friday Harbor Mayor and Town Council members positions 3 and 4. Each of the positions will be elected to four-year terms. Filing for these offices will occur May 5 to May 9. Every…

BREAKING NEWS: Superior Court rules in favor of County in Town-County fairgrounds water dispute
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BREAKING NEWS: Superior Court rules in favor of County in Town-County fairgrounds water dispute

Tuesday, January 7, 2025by Jeff Noedel San Juan County Superior Court Presiding Judge Kathryn C. Loring has ruled in the lawsuit filed by San Juan County government against the Town of Friday Harbor over the County’s water rights at the County fairgrounds. Specifically, the judge ruled against the Town’s “Resolution 2850,” which it adopted on May…

Town of Friday Harbor offers Christmas tree recycling pickup January 9

Town of Friday Harbor offers Christmas tree recycling pickup January 9

Friday, December 27, 2024 FOLLOWING IS A STATEMENT BY THE TOWN OF FRIDAY HARBOR GOVERNMENT The Town will collect Christmas trees for residents inside town limits on Thursday, January 9, 2025.  Trees must be placed at the curb no later than 9:00 a.m. and must be separate from other unbundled trash and woody waste.  To…

Friday Harbor Town Council considers possible changes in utility shutoff policy – discusses accidents in town crosswalks

Friday Harbor Town Council considers possible changes in utility shutoff policy – discusses accidents in town crosswalks

Monday, December 23, 2024For a meeting held Thursday, December 19, 2024 The mayor read out a thank you letter from the Food Bank for the Town’s Harbor Life ring collection and match totaling $15,000. In a brief work session, the financial manager noted the draft 2024 Budget Amendments and Draft 2025 budget, which was awaiting…

Town of Friday Harbor requesting state loan for water treatment plant

Town of Friday Harbor requesting state loan for water treatment plant

Friday, December 6, 2024for a meeting held Thursday, December 5, 2024 FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY PREPARED BY THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF THE SAN JUANS’ OBSERVER CORPS Mayor Jackson was absent. Council member Geffen chaired the meeting. He presented a $15,000 check to the Friday Harbor Food Bank from Harbor Life Ring donations and…

,602 new donations X2 = ,718!  ,141 remains for matching
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$1,602 new donations X2 = $3,718! $8,141 remains for matching

Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Community internet television and radio for the San Juans gained some strength in the past two days, as $1,602 more in donations have now arrived. That brings the recent total to $1,859. And the Mary See Foundation match has instantly turned that into $3,718! The Mary See Foundation leaders took a…

Argyle and Spring traffic circle road closure December 6

Argyle and Spring traffic circle road closure December 6

PHOTO COURTESY DAVID CORRY/CORRYOGRAPHY STUDIOCitizens are advised of a scheduled temporary closure of roads feeding into the traffic circle at the intersection of Argyle Avenue and Spring Street on Friday, December 6, 2024, to allow for the holiday tree lighting in front of Wells Fargo Bank.  The area will be closed to all vehicle traffic…