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PART 2 OF 2: It takes a very special person – This would be a good time to return the favor…


Originally Published Thursday, September 12, 2024

Video Directed by Dave Schnuckel
Audio direction by Jeremy Tyler
Written summary by Jeff Noedel

Produced at SanJuans.Today Studios in Friday Harbor, WA

On Tuesday, Heather Spaulding and Jeff Noedel spoke with Maureen See and John McDowell, two vocal supporters of San Juan Island Fire & Rescue’s proposed levy lid lift. It’s on the Nov. 5 ballot.

Part 2 of the discussion begins with Jeff asking Maureen what it’s like to live with a volunteer firefighter. She speaks of the trust and friendship that develops between firefighters. She speaks of the stress they experience, but it’s offset by their extensive training.

At 3:30 minutes into the discussion, Jeff asks about the increasing ratio of women firefighters.

(6:20) A discussion of the awesome dangers and risks firefighters put themselves in.

(7:30) Passing the levy adjustment may result in securing additional volunteer firefighters. They need 10 more volunteer firefighters, and that won’t be an easy accomplishment.

(9:15) In closing, John says “We’ve done a very poor job of educating people about what we do, and what services they get… We have gone too long without taking a deep look at our problems and what needs to be fixed. That’s on us. But you can tell we’ve been very frugal with the money in the past. We’ve identified all of our problems, and this is the support we need from the community to do…the services the community wants to receive.”

(10:30) Jeff changes the subject to candy. Chocolate candy. See’s chocolate candy. Having married into the Sees family, Jeff considers Maureen to be royalty.

This is part two of a two-part interview. 

This CNL2 video is approximately 15-3/4 minutes in duration.

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NOTE: SanJuans.Today is happy to extend equal access to any credible citizen of San Juan Island who wishes to speak in opposition to the Fire Department levy increase. Email Jeff.Noedel@cnl2.com to discuss an appearance.

Copyright 2024 CNL2 Media, a Washington nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved.


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