San Juan County seeks volunteers to fill vacant seats on multiple advisory boards and committees
Thursday, November 21, 2024
San Juan County is seeking volunteers to serve on various boards and committees that help shape daily life in the San Juan Islands. Are you interested in participating in local government and sharing your skills? See if one of the vacant positions is right for you!
Agricultural Resources Committee
The San Juan County Agricultural Resources Committee (ARC) is dedicated to protecting and restoring the county’s agricultural resources, recognizing the critical role agriculture plays in food security, land stewardship, and preserving the unique identity of the islands. The ARC advises the San Juan County Council on agricultural and food system issues, identifies emerging opportunities, and educates both elected officials and local residents on the importance of agriculture and the local food system. The committee also promotes initiatives and policies that strengthen and expand the agricultural identity and economy in the region. Learn more:
Board of Equalization
The Board of Equalization is wholly separate and apart from the Assessor’s Office. It is comprised of three County residents appointed by the San Juan County Council, and are selected for their knowledge of real estate values. Members are required by law to attend an intensive five-day course on the valuation of real property and receive yearly continuing education from the Washington State Department of Revenue. Learn more:
Deer Harbor Planning Review Committee
The Committee shall advise the San Juan County Planning Commission on land use and development matters affecting Deer Harbor. The committee shall consist of seven members, resident in Deer Harbor and its environs. Learn more:
Human Services Advisory Board
The Human Services Advisory Board oversees the aims, purposes and programs in the fields of public health, alcohol and drug abuse, developmental disabilities, mental health and early childhood education in accordance with Washington State code and provides the Council and public with information and advice. This board consists of nine to twelve members, with at least one member from each Council District. Members serve three-year staggered terms. Learn more:
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is an advisory committee to the Council and will review and comment on any proposed increase on the rate of tax imposed; repeal of an exemption from a tax imposed; change in the use of revenue received; or change in the SJC Code regarding Hotel/Motel funds. This committee consists of seven members, 1 Contributor and 1 Receiver from Each District plus one Council member, serving 2 & 3-year staggered terms. Beginning January 1, 2025, the committee will have openings for 2 receivers and 1 contributor. Learn more:
Veterans Advisory Board
The Veterans Advisory Board consists of up to nine members representing as wide an array of military service as possible. Members must be current residents of SJC and must be honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. military. Learn more:
How to Apply
Complete the application located on the County’s website: . Applications can be delivered in PDF format to
Do you have questions? Contact Aiden Haines at the office of County Council (360) 370-7473 or