Please subscribe to CNL2 – This beautiful success cannot survive with only 49 Subscribers
Dear Readers, Viewers & Friends…
It’s time for anyone who is intrigued by what CNL2 can do for this community to subscribe.

A message to our 49 subscribers… We love you.
You are the believers.
Thank you.
We need hundreds more annual subscribers as soon as possible.
Visit here to buy your subscription (lifetime, annual, or monthly) now. Give us a year to make a huge impact

CNL2 is demonstrating the positive impact that is possible with the power of video interviews and — coming soon, knock on wood — news & talk radio.
What we’ve accomplished so far is the tip of the iceberg. CNL2 has multiple ambitions, including:

We love artists and our 19 interviews with artists on the June Studio Tour sort of prove that. Art is one of many priorities that make these islands so special. Your annual subscription will let us build out CNL2’s coverage of the arts 10-fold.
- CNL2 is ready to stream live youth sports from home games and away games for school sports matches, as well as Friday Harbor Athletic Association events. It is expensive. It is difficult. But the original CNL in Missouri (2008 to 2013) covered youth sports aggressively, and we will do it with CNL2, if there are adequate subscriptions and ad purchases.
- CNL2 — in partnership with Heather Spaulding — stands ready to train San Juan Island high school youth in newspaper and broadcast journalism. Our high school is probably too small to afford to build out a school TV or radio station. Would that be a good use of taxpayer dollars? But CNL2 and Heather are eager to open-up potential careers for high school youth in news and communications. This effort will continue if CNL2 is financially sustainable.

CNL2 in partnership with Cathi and Craig Nett, owners of Friday Harbor’s Studio JAMM, are about to record a pilot episode of a dance show for seniors. We will shoot that pilot in May if we have 116 subscribers. While senior fitness is a secondary objective, the main goal is to reduce senior loneliness and isolation. If CNL2 is financially viable from subscriptions and advertising, we will make a maximum effort to move the senior dance show from pilot to long-term series.

When it’s running full-tilt, tourism in the San Juans accounts for nearly one-third of a billion dollars a year ($290 million to be exact) of our entire economy, and nearly $25 million in sales taxes to support our governments. Whenever anything happens to reduce that amount, CNL2 instantly asks, “What will replace that lost revenue?”
Until and unless some other kind of economic engine manifests in the San Juans, CNL2’s reporting will constantly monitor the successes, and the challenges, in this existential variable in our economy.
Few news outlets in Western Washington have spent a higher percentage of their available resources than CNL2 has in covering the problems and possible solutions with WSF. Our coverage has been at the epicenter of some of the discussions that have spread across the region. And we will continue to advocate for the San Juans, if we become financially sustainable.
For islanders who are not wealthy — who live on fixed incomes or live paycheck-to-paycheck on $18 or $20/hour wages — life in the San Juans can be difficult. The high cost of groceries, the high cost of gasoline, and the high cost of housing all test the strength and will of fixed- and low-income residents. High property tax bills are pinching another group of residents.

This goes to quality of life. Happiness. It’s an ongoing conversation worth having.
Also, CNL2 can and will locate special consumer deals on the mainland to help islanders on a budget stretch their dollars.
In partnership with new resident Robert Hoole, we are creating a series called “Mr. Fix-It,” in which Robert teaches viewers how to fix a clogged sink, rewire a lamp, or patch a hole in drywall. It’s the power of television. Watch the pilot episode here.
The priority on conservation, preservation, and restoration of our lands and animal life here is in our populations’ DNA. It makes me smile when I think of my many conservative friends here — whom I respect — and how even many of the conservatives here are environmentalists!
CNL2 is far from the only news service to cover the environment, but we will contribute our share of coverage in support of this core value of the islands.
If the way Olympia has left the San Juans out to dry with defaults in ferry service is any guide, one wonders how big a priority the San Juans will be if a major earthquake — just one possible disaster — hits. We may be on our own for days, weeks, or months. Are we prepared? Can we do more to prepare? If CNL2 is financially viable, we won’t stop asking the County government experts, the Sheriff, Opalco and Rock Island, the cell companies, the ham radio operators, and the many other providers of infrastructure. Are we ready?

All of these things can be done — all of these conversations can be had — in a way that is respectful and polite. Inclusive. Active listening. CNL2 is all about finding the middle and bringing more people into the middle. It’s time to reduce the way people are siloed and isolated and rebuild a sense of shared community. Through conversation. Through art. Through music. Through dance. Through comedy. Through sports. Through talk.
Yes, we are having financial challenges with CNL2. But we haven’t failed. Jeremy and I have succeeded in bringing amazing content to this website, and in building a studio and a capacity to televise anything live — all in one year. So we have succeeded. CNL2 is a success by any measure, except for our number of paying subscribers. That can be fixed in a few days.
Please subscribe today, and let us keep building all this for you.
We need hundreds more annual or lifetime subscriptions as soon as possible.
Visit here to buy your subscription (lifetime, annual, or monthly).