CNL2 is Honored by & Proud of Our Subscribers

CNL2 is converting to a non-profit so that the San Juans’ streaming radio and streaming television service can be here for generations to come.

In recent months, CNL2 has had but one single source of revenue — subscriptions — and it has made all the difference. It is a fact that CNL2 would be gone today, if not for the positive impact of 48 subscriptions. With 13,700 households in the San Juans, we think a goal of 1,000 subscribers is reasonable. And yes, we will still be offering subscriptions after we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. The subscription is meant to defray the “delivery” costs of our content (servers, bandwidth, telecommunications, etc.). The viewers who do subscribe are underwriting the digital delivery viewers who do not, or cannot afford to.

Thank you.

Following is the names of subscribers who consent to being listed. The number of times a subscriber has been featured in a CNL2 report or production — which is also very helpful to CNL2 — is indicated in parentheses.

CNL2 is careful with accuracy, especially when it comes to names. If you see anything inaccurate or incomplete in the way you are listed here (such as a missing name of a significant other), please email Jeff and we will correct it promptly.

Beside each name (in parentheses) is the number of times a subscriber appeared in a CNL2 report or production.

To add your name to this distinguished list, click here.


Brandon Andrews
Alan & Lodie Budwill

Christine Bush
Nate Fihn (2)
Rick Hughes (2)
Mark Madsen*

Kari & Cynthia McVeigh (1)
Rebecca Pohlad

Amy Saxe-Eyler* (1)
Ken & Karen Speck (1)
Necia Quast
Lori Stokes* (initially an Annual Subscriber, too)

*Initially subscribed annually, then added a lifetime subscription


Amanda Azous (1)
Tom Bridge (1)
Lisa Byers
Vincent Dauciunas
Becki Day (initially a Monthly Subscriber)
Patty Garcia
Jeff Hodge (1)
John & Pam Keffer

Terry Lush (2)
Kim Miller (1)
John J. Nance
Stephanie O’Day (1)
Justin & Amber Paulsen (1)
Wendy Pinnow
Printonyx Inc.
Tom Starr
Genie Williams
Town of Friday Harbor


David Corry (1)
Susan Mazzarella
Craig & Cathi Nett (3)
Dave & Kathy Schnuckel (2)
Marcia Walters (1)
Carmen Wolflisberg

We truly thank you.


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