SJI Fire District receives surplus fire engine from U.S. Forest Service

Saturday, December 14, 2024
for a Tuesday, December 10, 2024 meeting


San Juan Island Fire & Rescue Chief Noel Monin reported the financial situation now looks good.  The Whittier Foundation is offering $10,000 for improving communications for the outer islands.

San Juan Island Fire & Rescue headquarters and main firehouse at 1011 Mullis St., with Engine 32 in the foreground. Jeremy Tyler photo

The Fire Department received and inspected the surplus fire engine from the U.S. Forest Service. It needed minor repairs, like hose reels and the driver’s seat. USFS offered $15,000 for the repairs. The department hopes for two more decades of use.

The Fire Department moved the fireboat to Jensen Shipyard as planned, where they have better access to parking, less congestion and the ability to get out to the breakwater quickly.

Twelve people signed up for Recruit Academy.  Background checks are proceeding.

SJI Fire Chief Noel Monin. Jeff Noedel photo

The chief described recognition awards which are Gold, Silver and Bronze monetary awards given each year to volunteers who go the extra mile. The Fire District will recognize the recent passing of John Jensen, who was a commissioner for 18 years, with a plaque commemorating his service.

Stuart Island East is raising the roof on their station to install larger garage doors.

Stuart West is looking for a plot for a fire station big enough for two bays, solar panels and a water tank.

San Juan Island Fire & Rescue Engine 32. Jeremy Tyler photo

Hannah Heights Homeowners are asking to use part of the meeting room at Station #33 for water filtration system tests which need to be in a contamination free area. They will make an agreement once a time frame is established.

The roof of Station #35 was wrecked during the windstorm and rain damaged the building.  The Fire Department is using Peter and Janet Tong’s barn temporarily. The Fire Department is seeking local bids for the repairs. They are exploring the possibility of a land trade with Roche Harbor to relocate the station using the insurance payout as seed money. A relocation is part of the ten-year capital plan to improve service to the Yacht Haven area which is rated “unprotected” as it is more than five miles from the current location.

*The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization, encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.

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