Richard Uri Brings County Services to Those in Need


Jeff shares quick impressions of the three candidates for County Manager.

Then Richard Uri, Behavioral Health Specialist with San Juan County’s Human Services Unit within the County Health Department, explains the County’s transportation voucher program helping San Juans County’s vulnerable population get to where they need to go — including medical appointments. Richard got creative and found a way to extend the program to the Community Water Taxi service that has moved hundreds of islanders between the islands when Washington State Ferries sailings are canceled.

Richard has a buoyant personality — good-humored and deeply compassionate. He says of the San Juan County Health Department, “I’ve never worked any place so great.”

The conversation turned toward the collective stress of life today. He said, speaking only for himself, “My observation is that we are in a really dangerous time, mental health-wise. And that as a nation we are underestimating how bad our collective mental health is. And that San Juan County is not immune. Having said that, we’ve got a lot going for us here… There are more natural community supports in these communities sometimes. And that’s what matters to me… We need to working back to toward a time when we looked after each other… I would love to see us expand and support each other as a community through more volunteerism, more programs — community initiatives stepping up….”

This is an inspiring interview revealing the inherent strengths of the San Juans and ideas on how to make life here even better.

Jeff then asks rhetorically what were lessons learned from Covid and how things might be done differently if another pandemic comes.

And in these times, Heather reflects on the need to rebuild trust in our leaders and trust in each other.

Finally, Heather talks about a featured mom (as Mothers Day approaches), and good news about “Jack,” another pet who found a new home thanks to the Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor.

This CNL2 video is approximately 61 minutes in duration.

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