Approximately 75 citizens protested on courthouse lawn Tuesday
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
by Jeff Noedel
photos by Norris Palmer

Gray skies and late-winter drizzle did nothing to dampen the activist energy of approximately 75 citizens who assembled on the San Juan County Courthouse lawn at noon on Tuesday. Similar protests drew hundreds in Mount Vernon and Bellingham, as well.
The 50501 Movement (“50 states, 50 protests, 1 day”) called for protests across the nation. The 50501 group attempts to organize its biggest protests at state capitols, but citizens of hundreds of other cities and towns have been joining with protests in their own communities.
In Friday Harbor, protesters displayed homemade signs with messages like:
- “Save our democracy”
- “Shame on all gutless liars – uphold the Constitution”
- “Canada and Mexico are our Friends, Neighbors, and Allies”
- “Send the DOGEBAGS home – without pay”
- “Rise, resist, persist”
According to the 50501 website, the next scheduled nationwide protest will be held April 5.
In addition to several scores of citizens exercising their Constitutional right to peaceful protest, the second news item was the appearance of Heather Spaulding to report in person. Heather, the editor of the Journal of the San Juans, was seriously injured when she was hit by a car in a crosswalk on December 18, while approaching the high school to cover a wrestling match.
Heather used a walker to get to the Courthouse lawn Tuesday, and was in good spirits. She told SanJuans.Today yesterday’s event was the first event she has covered in person since the accident.
SanJuans.Today endeavors to tell all sides of all stories. If you know of a local protest or rally in favor of the Trump Administration, please contact us and we will try to cover it.