THREE NEW VOLUNTEERS IN ONE DAY! Volunteer Help Wanted at SanJuans.Today – volunteer news writer, volunteer video editor (will train)
Whether you’re a young person who has career aspirations in journalism, or a retiree who wrote news copy back in the day — SanJuans.Today (formerly CNL2) intends to launch a 5-minute newscast each day at noon, as soon as we have some writing help. We need one or more volunteer part-time writers!
At the same time, we are swimming in an ocean of video recordings in need of editing. Jeremy Tyler is an experienced video editor and an Adobe certified video animator. We have a powerful video workstation and we will make the time to teach anyone interested how to edit video.
For you young people, we could help you build a considerable portfolio that could help you get into a great university or land an exciting job.
For retirees with computer skills, this work can be very gratifying.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer news writer, please contact Jeff Noedel at
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer video editor, please contact Jeremy at
CNL2 Media is a nonprofit Washington corporation, and our 501c3 tax-exempt status filing is pending with the IRS.