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PART 2 OF 3: Cindy Wolf Has a Bold Vision for Transportation in the San Juans of the Future (includes a viewer comment)


Friday, July 12, 2024 at 4:06 a.m.
Video Directed by Jeremy Tyler

Part 2 of the 3-part interview of San Juan County Council Representative Cindy Wolf begins with a discussion of today’s political climate. And she shares advice to County voters in their election of the next County Council reps.

At the 5:00 minute mark in the interview, the conversation turns to the condition of Washington State Ferry service. She calls it “a wicked problem,” and traces the current challenges all the way back to the car tab controversy decades ago.

(12:00) Cindy is asked if the County has a role in a temporary solution to the dire need for reliable inter island ferry service.

(16:00) Cindy describes her own innovative vision for transportation in the San Juans in the future.

This CNL2 video is approximately 20 minutes in duration

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  1. I was just beginning to seriously consider subscribing to what appears to be a flourishing CNL2. I have never partaken in social media as it has become unproductive and often untethered.
    If CNL2 is not willing to filter sensationalist and inflammatory comments like that of Rene Polda after a citizen has agreed to be interviewed on a specific topic (or whatever) in order to share their views on issues of concern for all of us, then candid honesty will wilt in the face of negative, partly accurate personal blow back. The idea of CNL2 will flame out and fail. I will wait to see.

    1. I’m sorry you are disappointed in CNL2, Steve, for publishing an unfiltered comment. My personal philosophy on filtering viewer comments is that it is largely all or nothing. CNL2 endeavors to stay as neutral as possible on most issues, and we repeatedly encourage politeness. We insist on real names, and take steps to ensure the names are real. How people express themselves is a personal choice, but we try not to make value judgments about the tone of comments. Thank you for waiting to see where CNL2 goes before giving up on us.

  2. The science shows that hydrogen releases tons of moisture into the atmosphere which expedites the greenhouse effect. Not a good solution!
    Inslee was a dictator during covid and took away our medical freedoms and forced employees to take a big pharma experimental jab that harmed a large percentage of people.
    Car tabs were beat down because workers were paying up to $600 per car per year! Insane!!!
    Government should not be competing with private businesses! If gov would ease up regs and taxes, businesses could meet the demands for transportation, but she doesn’t care about what we need! She cares about controlling all of us to save the climate! Yet her science is not even true! if she had her way she would confiscate all our private property for trails and take away our vehicles!

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