64% of SJC ballots received – Additional 30% expected in final day drop boxes and mail-in ballots
Monday, November 4, 2024
by Jeff Noedel

As of today, just over 24 hours before tabulation starts, San Juan County Elections Manager Camolyn Armstong told SanJuans.Today, “We’re currently at 64 percent returns. We’re hoping for another 30 percent with mail-in ballots and election day ballot drop-offs.”
While San Juan County turnout is already at 64 percent, statewide turnout today reached 47 percent. Across all 39 counties in Washington, San Juan County commonly enjoys the highest percentage of voter participation in the state. Only Jefferson County (Port Townsend) gives San Juan County competition for the county with the highest voter turnout.
Last week, Governor Jay Inslee activated some Washington National Guard members to be on standby in the event they are asked to support local law enforcement and the Washington State Patrol during election week.
But Armstrong said she anticipates no need for extra help in the San Juans. She said, “We haven’t had any problems in San Juan County and don’t expect any. Together we will protect democracy and everyone’s right to vote.”